The breadcrumbs card is about leaving a way back home. Don’t burn your bridges. If you have a crappy job don’t burn your boss. Breadcrumbs represent that even though you are going somewhere you want to be able to return home. Be careful though… breadcrumbs don’t always work so if you are going somewhere, be advised you may not be able to return home.
Just call. Sometimes you are sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring when you can reach out. This card signifies that communications are needed to get the desired result and don’t be afraid to reach out. It could also mean that you miss someone or someone who has not been in your life for some time will contact you. Maybe it is a past relationship or a long lost friend.
This is a misleading card. It is deliberate and not an accident. If you are starting a job they are not telling you everything you need to know. With any advertising it is YOUR responsibility to find the truth. Do your research and don’t rush into a new job or relationship without close analysis. If you are going to make a big purchase be wary. Like if you are going to buy a house get a second opinion.
One of those FML moments. Bad bad card… Like getting fired, etc. It could also be as simple as you are going to spill hot coffee on yourself as it depends on what you ask the cards about before you pull. The FML can warn of something bad. So if you get the FML card about a future relationship stay away!
This card can be telling you that what you seek is far away. Even though it is far away doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for it. In a relationship it could signify that the long distance relationship is worth it or not depending on the other cards in the set. Usually this card is acknowledging the distance in your relationship. It could also mean living in the same house as someone and not connecting.
Someone is lying and it could very well be you. This is another deception card. The deck probably has so many deception cards because so many fucking people lie. If you get this card about a situation know that it is not all that it seems. Keep digging and the truth will be revealed or just say fuck it and go somewhere else.
The midget is about something not fitting. It could be you are with a group of friends that you don’t fit with. It can mean that maybe you should date shorter guys or that you should roll a dwarf in your roll playing game. Dig deep and you will find the meaning of your midget. Just try to think outside of the box.
There are going to be multiple influences in what you are doing or your life. Or you could just be in a relationship with a crazy person or about to be in a relationship with a crazy person. It is hard to make decision with so many voices in your head. Try to get away for a while and listen to yourself.
Peanut butter is nourishment unless you are allergic to it. It is not flashy it does what it needs to do to and is versatile. In a relationship peanut butter is a stability card. It means you get nourishment or can get nourishment from the relationship. In any situation it is really a good card to get.
This signified being torn between two places. It could mean torn between two people also. There is a good vs. evil component to it. You could be stuck between doing what is right and what is wrong. Just remember for every wrong deed you do there is a price to pay. You may not have to pay for it now but one day you will have to…
The sacrifice card is telling you to give up something. Sacrifice is needed in your life. It could be you are spending too much time on yourself and need to give it up to spend time on the relationship. Maybe you need to find your spirituality. Deep inner reflection is needed for only you know what you are being called upon to sacrifice.
Something bad that has been troubling you is fixed. Maybe you get a raise. Maybe your partner finally lets you have oral sex. Maybe your partner brings home a hot chick for you. Whatever has been troubling you is finally fixed for good! It could also mean that you will break up with a particularly bad relationship.
The bitch is someone who is generally negative in your life. In a relationship it could be the man or woman. The trick with this card is to identify who the bitch is in your life and find a way to mitigate the damage. The bitch is usually always a bitch, but it doesn’t have to always be that way. A bitch can be converted but the path is not easy and not usually worth it… A converted bitch will be loyal to you for life though….
Just like when a cat brings a dead bird to its owner as a sign of gratitude or to show happiness the inappropriate gift is something that is given that just doesn’t seem right. It could be a boss' unwanted advances. It could be an STD. It can even be pregnancy. You are going to get something just beware it may not be something you want.
The best card in the deck is The Judge Neil Card. This card is a good wild card just like Judge Neil. If you get this card something good is coming. Feel the card and situation to get an idea what that might be. It could be love, money, a job or other good fortune. If you get this card you are lucky!
The shiny object can be a distraction card. If you are working on something important it is possible that the shiny object can interfere with you and take you off the path causing you to fail. It doesn’t have to be bad though. The shiny object can be something you give a lot of attention to. The shiny object is something that passes though because there is usually another shiny object around the corner so if the shiny object is the object of your affections then usually that is not a long term relationship.
The situation you are asking about is killing you a little at a time. In a relationship it means that it is not getting better. If it is a job then that job is killing you. You either need to fix the situation or leave. Not treating the unhealing wound will lead to the death of the situation and that is not a good thing.
This is the bad Karma card. Something you did created a Karmic debt and you are paying for it. So if you get this card try to make amends for what you did. If you cannot make amends directly then maybe some general good deeds will get you off the hook. Killing lady luck is never a good thing for you.
The Soul Mate card is a special bond card. The relationship that it entails is something that cannot be broken. Regardless of circumstance the Soul Mate card represents that everything will work out in the end. That said it will not be a smooth ride. The Soul Mate card can entail significant struggle to work things out. There may even be times when it would seem everything is lost. But the great thing about the Soul Mate card and the bond that it entails is that the bond can never be broken. It will always be there!
The Fire Rune Card... The great discovery that opened up the possibilities of so much more. The Fire rune is about discovery. You will find something of great value. It also represents warmth. Another possibility is a warning. Fire can be dangerous if left unattended. Be careful if you play with fire!
The Chance Meeting Rune Card... Popular culture says you could meet your soul mate when you both reach for the same piece of fruit at the store... Thousands of years ago it might have been hunting for the same side of beef... This rune signifies a chance encounter is on its way. The card could be good or bad as who knows if you will share the beef or kill each other for it...
The Ripple Rune Card... We are all energy that resonates at a unique frequency. The answers you seek can be found in the resonating frequency all around. As the energy travels it gets fainter and fainter. The ripple rune tells you to be still in your mind and thoughts and listen to the clues rippling though like ripples in the pond.